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Version: v2

Developer Tools and SDKs

Libraries and tools for interacting with your BAV API integration.

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to work with the BAV API. With SDKs we take care of the heavy lifting for you, so you can spend more time building your integration.

Since BAV is an internal WPP product we don't have a dedicated team to build and maintain SDKs. Instead we rely on the WPP community to help maintain SDKs for languages that they write in. By sharing the load we can ensure that the SDKs are maintained and up to date, while saving time and effort for everyone.


The collection of SDKs here are driven by community need and development. If you have done an integration with a language we don't yet have an SDK for and would consider packaging it as an SDK and sharing, please let us know.

Python SDK

The Python SDK is created and maintained by Ignacio Maiz at BAV@WPP.

Latest News!

🎉 The Python SDK has now reached v1.0

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BAV API Specification

The API specifications will help you get set up with a broad range of API tools, such as Postman.

(right-click and select to download the file to your computer)