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· One min read

All of the BAV Archetype ranks and scores have been available directly through the Brandscape Data endpoint. The new Archetypes Tools API endpoint offers a more convenient way of accessing the Archetypes data.

It also adds support for getting the "Competitive Archetype" data, which is not available through the Brandscape Data endpoint. Archetypes are divided between the "Cultural Archetype" (against all brands in a study) and the "Competitive Archetype" (against a competitive set). The competitive set can be defined as either a collection or a category.

All the querying details are available in the Archetypes API documentation in the Tools / TurboPitch section.

· One min read

We are excited to improve the BAV API with support for webhooks on key platform events. Webhooks allow you to receive HTTP push notifications for data changes in BAV. This allows you to build richer integrations on top of BAV. You could, for example, use it to react in realtime to new data being available or make audiences seamlessly available in your own systems.

Webhooks is also a crucial part of our new Audience Export. They are also a core part of upcoming enhancements to allowing other applications to integrate tightly with BAV. Being able to share more data across systems means more convenience for end users and a greater improvement to daily workflows.

Take a look at the comphrehensive webhooks documentation with code examples and recommendations to how best to get started with and implement webhooks.

· One min read

🎉 We are excited to announce the release of the v1.0 (stable) version of the BAV Python SDK!

The latest version of the SDK includes new supported endpoints, new features and many bug fixes.

To update to the latest version of the BAV Python SDK, run the following command:

pip install --upgrade wpp-bavapi
Issues and feature requests

If you encounter any bugs while using the SDK, or if you have any suggestions/requests for new features, we encourage you to open a new issue on GitHub.

Some highlights since our last announcement:

  • 🎉 Full support for many more endpoints, and more versatility for performing endpoint requests.
  • 🚀 bavapi queries should now be faster and more reliable, thanks to various improvements in the requests and response parsing logic.
  • ✨ New error handling behavior. If a page fails to download, bavapi will now warn the user about the missing pages instead of raising an exception. You can change this by using on_errors="raise" in endpoint calls.
  • 📓 Improved SDK documentation and updated with the latest features and functionality.
  • 🐛 Fixed various issues with validation, data parsing and pagination.

Read the detailed changelog on GitHub.

· One min read

We strive to make working with the core, raw dataset in the Brandscape Data endpoint as easy as possible. To reduce the complexity in querying the dataset, we have added a new Metric Groups filter.

The filter works the same as the existing metrics filter, but customizes the response to include all the metrics in a given group instead of you having to specify each metric individually.

For example, if you want to retrieve all the metrics in the "Imagery" group, you can use the following request:

GET /api/v2/brandscape-data?metric_group_keys=imagery

You can also specify multiple groups by separating them with a comma:

GET /api/v2/brandscape-data?metric_group_keys=imagery,pillars

For a full list of the available groups you can refer to the UI in The Fount or query the Metric Groups endpoint.

· One min read

For some of the data that we track, we need to map it to a city. For this reason we maintain a database of cities in the world with a population over 500 people, based on the GeoNames database.

We have now made this database available through the API. You can find the documentation for the new endpoint in the API reference.

The cities endpoint comes with a few filters that you can use to narrow down the results. For example, you can filter by country or region, or for example retrieve capitals only.

· One min read

We are happy to announce the release of our new Python SDK. We use Python scripts quite heavily at BAV and the SDK is a result of our own needs. We hope that it will be useful for others as well.

By using the Python SDK you can easily integrate your Python scripts with BAV without having to spend time creating the necessary API connection overhead.

The SDK is available on GitHub and has been created by Ignacio Maiz at BAV. If you'd like to contribute, we hare more than happy for contributions to the SDK over at GitHub.

The developer tools section has more information on how to get started with the SDK.

· One min read

While the API has always contained the ability to fetch all the Brandscape Data values, a lot of the time you only need a subset of data in a specific way. This is the philosophy behind the suite of TurboPitch endpoints which are already available in The Fount for you to use.

Today we are opening up the use of these to the API as well, so that you can get the data programatically in the same way as you can graphically in The Fount.

The new endpoints are available for most of the TurboPitch tools. If one that you need isn't yet available, please reach out to us, and we are happy to add it for you.

If you are having problems with using the API, or if you have any questions or feedback, please do reach out to us. We are happy to help.

· 2 min read

The Brandscape Data endpoint has been extended with details and filtering based on two new relationships: Sector and Company.

The sector is a higher-level grouping of categories to create larger groups of brands. Whereas categories can vary greatly between markets, sectors stay consitent. This makes them perfect for cross-market and cross-year analysis.

The company is the legal entity that owns a given brand. One company can own many brands. Through the company you can tie together financial performance such as annual results or stock price details with the brandscape data.

Both are available now as includes in the brandscape data endpoint. This means that for each brandscape data record you can get the company and sector details along with all other data.

# Include the company
GET /api/v2/brandscape-data/?include=company

# Include the sector
GET /api/v2/brandscape-data/?include=company

Both of them are also available to filter by so that you can get the brandscape data for all brands in one or more sectors and/or companies:

# Only include two specific companies.
GET /api/v2/brandscape-data/?filter[companies]=1,2

# Only include the sector with ID 1.
GET /api/v2/brandscape-data/?filter[sectors]=1

You can read more in the Brandscape Data endpoint docs.

If you are having problems with using the API, or if you have any questions or feedback, please do reach out to us. We are happy to help.

· One min read

We are excited to release the second version of the API which includes a number of new features and improvements. Thank you to everyone who have provided feedback and suggestions for improvements.

With the new version we aim to make a series of breaking changes that are only possible with a new version of the API. They will allow us to better add continuous improvements and new features regularly without having to release new breaking-change versions.

We suggest that you review all calls and responses for any changes to the responses.

At a high-level, these are the changes that will affect you:

  • There are no removed resources but several new ones.
  • Some fields have been given new names, a select few have been removed.
  • Filtering now has a new, consistent format (see filtering).
  • Sorting now has a new, simplified format (see sorting).
  • Expansions are now includes (see includes).
  • Ability to scope API keys to specific operations.

If you are having problems with using the API, or if you have any questions or feedback, please do reach out to us. We are happy to help.

· One min read

Welcome, to the updated BAV@WPP developer website which currently houses the BAV API documentation but will also be the home to any future development related documentation for BAV.

We are excited that so many of you are using the API to build analytical integrations into your specific workflows and tools.

In this stream we'll be posting news relating to the API and other development features. If you've got an active API key on the platform we'll also be sending them to you via e-mail.