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Version: v1

Best Countries

The Best Countries API holds all scores and rankings from the BAV Best Countries studies in an easily accessible format.

Get data for a specific year

GET /api/v1/best_countries/2020

where 2020 is the year you want to retrieve data for.

For performance reasons the attributes and categories are not loaded by default when you request the yearly data. Instead you get the overall score and rank for the country.

To also get the full category and attribute data, add the ?include_data query parameter to the request URL.

Please note that the categories list does not include the overall category. This is instead presented as score and rank at the topmost object.

"data": [
"name": "Sweden",
"code": "SE",
"region": "Europe",
"score": 18.38,
"rank": 40,
"attributes": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Pleasant climate",
"score": 10.0,
"rank": 8
// ...
"categories": [
"id": 2,
"name": "Adventure",
"key": "adventure",
"score": 40.0,
"rank": 20
// ...
// ...

Get data for a specific country

Using this endpoint you will be able to retrieve all Best Countries data for a specific country including its history to make useful comparisons over time.

GET /api/v1/best_countries/countries/SE

where SE is the two-letter ISO country code for the country.

"data": {
"name": "Sweden",
"code": "SE",
"region": "Europe",
"categories": [
"name": "Adventure",
"years": [
"year": 2020,
"score": 41.0,
"rank": 20
"year": 2019,
"score": 50.0,
"rank": 21
// ...
// ...
"attributes": [
"name": "Pleasant climate",
"years": [
"year": 2021,
"score": 10.2,
"rank": 10
// ...

Get data for a country and a year

GET /api/v1/best_countries/2020/SE

where 2020 is the year you want to retrieve data for and SE is the two-letter ISO country code for the country.

Please note that the categories list does not include the overall category. This is instead presented as score and rank at the topmost object.

"data": {
"name": "Sweden",
"code": "SE",
"region": "Europe",
"score": 96.91,
"rank": 5,
"attributes": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Pleasant climate",
"score": 10.0,
"rank": 8
// ...
"categories": [
"id": 2,
"name": "Adventure",
"key": "adventure",
"score": 40.0,
"rank": 20
// ...


The different responses are structured to be as similar as possible. What differs is generally whether the categories and attributes return an object or an array.

Country Object

namestringThe name of the country in English.
codestringThe two-letter ISO country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) for the country.
regionstringThe name of the region the country belongs to in English.
scorefloatFor year-based endpoints. The overall score for the country in the year.
rankintegerFor year-based endpoints. The overall rank for the country in the year.

Attributes Object

idintegerThe system ID for the attribute.
namestringThe name of the attribute in English.
keystringA slug/key created from the attribute name.
scorefloatThe score given to the country for the attribute. From 0 to 100.
rankfloatThe rank given to the country for the attribute. Based on the score and how many countries were ranked in the given year.

Category Object

idintegerThe system ID for the category.
namestringThe name of the category in English.
keystringA slug/key created from the category name.
scorefloatThe score given to the country for the category. From 0 to 100.
rankfloatThe rank given to the country for the category. Based on the score and how many countries were ranked in the given year.