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Version: v2

Basic Usage

Once you have installed bavapi and acquired a token from the Fount, you can start using bavapi directly in Python or in a Jupyter Notebook.

import bavapi

Making Requests

You can query the available endpoints with their corresponding methods. Replace TOKEN with your API key.

swatch = bavapi.brands("TOKEN", name="Swatch")  # Replace `TOKEN` with your API key

These endpoints methods will return a pandas DataFrame containing the data retrieved for your query:


You can make requests to other endpoints in the same way:

uk_studies = bavapi.studies("TOKEN", country_code="GB")

uk22 = bavapi.brandscape_data("TOKEN", year_numbers=2022, country_code="GB", audiences=1)

all_adults = bavapi.audiences("TOKEN", name="All Adults")
Want to use other endpoints?

The BAV API is very extensive, so not all endpoints are fully implemented yet.

To query unsupported endpoints see the Other endpoints section in Advanced Usage.

bavapi query parameters

In order to validate the request parameters before sending a bad request, bavapi will automatically check that the parameters from your query and filters are of the type expected by the Fount API. If any parameter doesn't conform to the API requirements, bavapi will raise a ValidationError.

What it's doing

bavapi performs an initial request to make sure the query parameters are valid, and to retrieve information about the number of pages it will need to fetch.

If the initial request fails, bavapi will not perform more requests.

Similarly, if the initial request returns the entirety of the query (e.g., there are only 10 results and per_page is above 10, which it is by default), no further requests will be performed, and instead the data from the initial response will be returned.


Each endpoint has a filter class associated with it, as each endpoint has its own filter requirements:

EndpointFilters class

These filters are available under the bavapi.filters namespace.

Don't mix and match filters

Using a filters class not meant for a specific endpoint won't raise any errors from the outset, but it also won't provide IDE type support or type validation to the parameters that are associated with each endpoint.

Similarly, using a dictionary (as seen in the example below) won't provide validation or type hints. Use the dictionary method with caution.

Some of the more common filters for each endpoint have been added directly to the bavapi functions. More info in the endpoints section.


bavapi.brands has parameters such as name, country_codes, year_numbers, brand_id or studies, which you can use directly from the function without creating a filters instance.

However, less commonly used filters, as well as value filters must be specified by using the filters parameters in each function.

Filters can be specified using a python dictionary (if you know the name of the filters you need), or directly creating a filter instance.

result = bavapi.brands(
filters=bavapi.filters.BrandsFilters(name="Swatch", country_codes=["US", "UK"])

If both regular function parameters and filters are specified, the values in the filters parameter will take precedence for the actual request:

result = bavapi.brands(name="Swatch", filters={"name": "Facebook"})

The request will use name="Facebook", because values specified in the filters parameter take precedence.

Value filters

"Value" filters refer to filtering on the values of the data returned by the endpoint. For example, filtering by category name or by sector.

These value filters must be specified in the filters parameter. If they are added to the function call as regular keyworrd arguments, a ValidationError will be raised.

bavapi.brands(name="Swatch", filters={"sector_name": "Watches"})  # ok

bavapi.brands(name="Swatch", sector_name="Watches") # raises ValidationError

When using additional value filters, which might not be available in the arguments to the function call, it is recommended to use the filters parameter instead of mixing function parameters and Filters parameters:

bavapi.brands(filters=bavapi.filters.BrandsFilters(name="Swatch", sector_name="Watches"))


It is possible to specify which fields a response should contain. If so, the API will only return those fields.

result = bavapi.brands(name="Swatch", fields=["id", "name"])
result.columns # will only have ["id", "name"] as columns


It is possible to sort the data by a column from the response.

# sorted by name
result = bavapi.brands(name="Swatch", sort="name")

# descending sorted by name (note the '-')
result = bavapi.brands(name="Swatch", sort="-name")

Responses are sorted by item id, in ascending order, by default.


Aside from the data directly available for each of the resources in the Fount, these resources can also be connected across endpoints.

Each endpoint supports different included fields. Please read the API documentation for more info on the specific set of includes supported by each endpoint.

# will include info about the brand's company
result = bavapi.brands(name="Swatch", includes="company")
Default Includes

The brandscape_data function includes study, brand, category and audience by default.


All requests to the Fount are paginated, meaning that one must request and receive from the server one page at a time. The SDK automatically combines all responses into one data table for convenience.

Pagination is controlled by three parameters:

  • page
  • per_page
  • max_pages

If only page is set to an integer greater than 0, that single page will be requested.

bavapi.studies(page=1)  # Will request a single page of data

If either per_page or max_pages are set, bavapi will request the appropriate pages from the Fount API.

While the Fount API default is 25, the default per_page set by bavapi is 100.


The maximum number of elements per page allowed by the Fount API is 1000.

bavapi will calculate the number of pages from the total items reported by the Fount.

It is also possible to set the number of max_pages, which will limit the number of pages requested regardless of the reported total.

The page value will be used as the starting page for the request. Therefore, if page=10 and, for example, max_pages=30, bavapi will request pages 10 to 40.

# Request pages with 50 items per page
# up to pages calculated from total reported
bavapi.studies("TOKEN", per_page=50)

# Request pages with 100 items (default) per page up to 10 pages
# or pages calculated from total reported, whichever is smaller
bavapi.studies("TOKEN", max_pages=10)

# Request pages with 10 items per page up to 100 pages
# or pages calculated from total reported, whichever is smaller
bavapi.studies("TOKEN", per_page=10, max_pages=100)

# Request pages with 100 items (default) per page from page 3 to 33
# or pages calculated from total reported, whichever is smaller
bavapi.studies("TOKEN", page=3, max_pages=30)

Metric and metric group keys

metric_keys and metric_group_keys are special filters to specify the data columns that the response should contain.

The API response will include all score types for that metric or metric group.


Currently, only the brandscape-data endpoint supports the use of metric and metric group keys. All other endpoints will ignore this parameter. More info in the brandscape-data endpoint section.

Using Query objects

While the available parameters in endpoint functions and methods are provided for convenience, it is possible to use bavapi.Query objects directly inside function calls.

Similarly to filters objects, when using Query in one of the endpoint methods, the parameter values specified in the Query object will take precedence over parameters specified at the function level.

# will use `name="Facebook"` because `query` values take precedence.
bavapi.brands(name="Swatch", query=bavapi.Query(filters={"name":"Facebook"}))

Read more about Query in the Advanced usage section.

Formatting output

It is possible that some of the data retrieved from the Fount includes multiple items.


For example, requesting the studies include in bavapi.brands will return a column containing lists of dictionaries with study info for all studies that a brand appears in.

024353Facebook[{'id': 254, 'name': 'Argentina ...

bavapi provides a stack_data parameter to its functions and methods that will take those lists of dictionaries and generate a new entry (row) in the resulting DataFrame for each element in the list.

bavapi.brands("Facebook", include="studies", stack_data=True)
024353Facebook254Argentina - Adults 2011...
124353Facebook787Argentina - Adults 2012...

Suppressing progress bars

bavapi displays progress bars to show download progress. Each tick in the progress bar refers to individual pages being downloaded.

It's possible to supress progress bar outputs via the verbose parameter in function calls and Client init methods:

bavapi.brands(TOKEN, "Facebook", verbose=False)


By default, API requests will timeout after 30 seconds in order to avoid hangups.

This may happen more commonly when performing requests with more than 50-100 pages. If you get a TimeoutError, you can change this parameter to allow for longer timeouts.

It is possible to set the time before timeout when performing requests with bavapi:

bavapi.brands(TOKEN, "Facebook", timeout=60)

Error handling

Warn or raise when a page fails to download

You can control the error handling behavior of bavapi by changing the on_errors parameter in top-level functions and the Client interface.

Options and examples:

  • "warn" (default): Will return all successfully downloaded data, and warn at the end about any pages that failed
  • downloading so they can be manually retried.
  • "raise": Will raise any exception that occurs immediately. This was the default behavior until v0.13.
>>> bavapi.brands("TOKEN", "Facebook", verbose=False, on_errors="warn") # Fails page 1
UserWarning: Could not fetch pages: ["page 1: Exception(...)"] # Does not raise
"Some requests may still raise"

During the initial handshake between bavapi and the Fount API, only SSL errors are retried. Therefore, some queries may still raise exceptions even if on_errors is set to "warn":

  • Invalid parameters will raise a ValidationError if they are not of the correct Python type
  • Server errors will raise an APIError with additional details about the issue
  • Queries with no results found will raise a DataNotFoundError
  • Requests which exceed the user's rate limit will raise a RateLimitExceededError

Retry failed requests

bavapi will automatically retry requests that fail because of an exception. The number of retry attempts can be controlled via the retries parameter in top-level functions and the Client interface:

bavapi.brands("TOKEN", retries=5)  # Will retry pages 5 times after original failure

There are some additional, advanced options for controlling the behavior of bavapi requests. More info in the Control bavapi batching behavior section from the Advanced Usage documentation.