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Version: v2

Country Data

The country data API contains details about how people perceive countries across the Best Countries metrics and factors. The Best Countries data has two levels:

  • Raw/Respondent Level data.
  • Calculated data.

For building on top of Best Countries, you typically want the calculated data as the respondent level data is put through a series of processing pipelines to arrive at the scores and ranks of Best Countries. We do not recommend that you calculate this yourself.

Country data has two types of data:

  • Attributes. (attributes) The 74 imagery/perception attributes that respondents answer in the Best Countries survey.
  • Factors. (factors) The 10 factors that contribute to GDP growth and is made up by a selection of the attributes. Included in the factors is the overall score that is a weighted average of all factors.

Country data also has three types of scores:

  • Scores. (scores) A 100-point score where 100 is best and 0 is worst, calculated through a pipeline based on the responses.
  • Ranks. (ranks) The 100-point score turned into a sorted simple rank where 1 is the best.
  • Percentages. (percent) Available only for the subset of attributes that are our consideration attributes. For example "consider doing business". The percent of respondents who answered affirmatively to the satement.

Creating a query

The endpoint HTTP query accepts dynamic parameters for the year, score type and data type as described above. In a generic case, the query looks like this:

GET /api/v2/best-countries/countries/{yearNumber}/{dataType}/{scoreType}

For example, getting the factor ranks for 2024 would look like this:

GET /api/v2/best-countries/countries/2024/factors/ranks


The API response for the country data endpoint will give you an array of datapoint objects. Each object is a one-level object that contains a few metadata fields and a series of metrics. The meta fields are:

  • country. The name of the country the datapoint relates to.
  • country_id. The system ID of the country.
  • country_code. The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two-letter country code.
  • year_id. The system ID of the year.

The metric fields are made up by the metric or factor key and its corresponding value.


For convenience, a set of filters allow you to further refine the data:

  • country_codes. A comma-separated list of country codes to include data from.
  • countries. A comma-separated list of country system IDs to include data from.

The filters are applied as a standard query parameter like this:

GET /api/v2/best-countries/countries/2024/factors/ranks?country_codes=US


By default the data will be sorted by the country name. All fields returned by the endpoint are sortable.