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Version: v2


You may use the Brands endpoint to retrieve details about one or more brands.

What are brands?

Brands are the core of BAV. They are the entities that are researched by BAV surveys and is connected to many other resources. Brands differ from companies in that they are not necessarily a legal entity. Brands are owned by companies.

Brands in BAV do not belong specifically to a category resource. Each brand is studied in a specific category in a specific study. However, for classification purposes each brand belongs to a sector based on the studies it is in.

List all brands

To list all of the brands and browse them via the API, use the list endpoint:

GET /api/v2/brands

Get a brand

You may also directly retrieve a brand's details if you already have its system ID.

GET /api/v2/brands/123

Where 123 is the system ID of the brand.


Full response schema

idinteger (exact)The system ID.
bav_brand_idinteger (exact)The brand key in the BAV database. Note that this may be both a positive and negative integer. Please use the id column over this unless you specifically need the brand key for legacy integrations.
bav_idinteger (exact)The brand ID in the BAV database. Please use the id column over this unless you specifically need the brand key for legacy integrations.
namestringThe global name of the brand.
share_of_companyfloatThe percentage share that this brand makes up of the parent company's financial results.
is_corebooleanWhether this brand is considered a core brand for research purposes.
is_studied_globallybooleanWhether this brand is designated as a brand that we aim to currently study globally. Please note that this does not necessarily mean that is included in all studies in the current year.
urlstringThe URL of the brand's page on The Fount.
logo_urlstringA URL to the latest approved version of the primary brand logo in SVG format.
created_atstringA datetime string when this brand was first created.
updated_atstring(updated since)A datetime string when this brand was last updated.

Relationship Response Schema

The slim relationship schema is used when the brand is used as part of an include in another resource.

idintegerThe system ID for the brand.
namestringThe primary name of the brand.
sectorobjectAn object with the brand's sector relationship

Additional Filters

For convenience, we have a set of additional filters for brands that are not available in the default filters or are part of the columns. These are:

  • years - A comma-separated list of year IDs. This will filter the brands to only those that are studied in the specified years.
  • categories - A comma-separated list of category IDs. This will filter the brands to only those that are studied in the specified categories.
  • sectors - A comma-separated list of sector IDs. This will filter the brands to only those in the given sectors.
  • countries - A comma-separated list of country IDs. This will filter the brands to only those that are studied in the specified countries.
  • regions - A comma-separated list of region IDs. This will filter the brands to only those that are studied in the specified regions.
  • studies - A comma-separated list of study IDs. This will filter the brands to only those that are included in the specified studies.
  • country_codes - A comma-separated list of two-letter ISO country codes. This will filter the brands to only those that are studied in the specified countries.
  • year_numbers - A comma-separated list of year numbers. This will filter the brands to only those that are studied in the specified years.
  • has_studies - Only include brands that have been included in any study at any point in time.

Relationships & includes

By default, relationships apart from the sector are not included. See the includes section for more information on how this works. The following relationships are available:

  • company - The company that owns the brand.
  • sector - The sector that the brand belongs to.
  • studies - A list of BAV studies where this brand was included.
  • countries - The countries where this brand may have a local name, custom logo or where it is from.


This endpoint supports searching. See the searching section for more details.